“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.”
William Arthur Ward
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I. Child Development and Pedagogy

a) Child Development (Primary School Child)

Topic 1 : • Concept of development and its relationship with learning

Following type of questions could be asked in this section
1) Which of the following combination of subjects would help a teacher to develop good pedagogical methods?
A. Sociology and Philosophy
B. Philosophy and Psychology
C. Psychology and Sociology
D. None of these .
2) A student tries to solve a problem without any help from a teacher. The teacher should
A. advise him/her to take help from his/her colleagues
B. pays no attention to him/her
C. scolds him/her for foolishness
D. appraises his/her individual effort.
3) What is the correct meaning of Development Psychology?
A. How Psychology of persons develops over time
B. how people change over time
C. how people change over time and why certain  remain consistent over the life course
D. how people change over time and why certain characteristics also change over the life course
Ans. C
4) What was the traditional approach of psychologists pertaining to child development? 
A. That development of child takes place mostly during infancy and childhood
B. That development of child takes place mostly during adolescence and adulthood
C. That development of child takes place mostly during infancy and childhood as well as during adolescence and adulthood
D. None of the above
Ans : - A

 Topic 2: Principles of the development of children

Following type of questions could be asked in this section
1) In how many age-related periods have the development psychologists divided the human development?
A. 4 stages
B. 5 stages
C. 7 stages
D. 8 stages
 Ans :- D
2) How the students should be motivated to get success in life ?A. Selected Study 
B. Incidental Study
C. Intensive Study
D. Learning Recitation 
 Ans : - C
3) Family is a means of A. Informal Education
B. Formal Education
C. Non-formal education
D. Distance education
Ans : - A

Topic 3 : Influence of Heredity & Environment 

 Following type of questions could be asked in this section
1)  Environmental education should be taught in schools because—A. It will affect environmental pollution
B. It is important part of life
C. Of late the Govt. has started giving greater attention to environmental studies 
D. We cannot escape from environment
 Ans: - B
 2) Cognitive development concerns the growth of the mind —A. through initial stages of life
B. through latter stages of life
C. throughout the life
D. only during learning stage
Ans: - C
3) Which of the following traits pertaining to personality can be linked to hereditary factors? A. Depth of knowledge
B. Vision of life
C. Gait and appearance
D. studiousness

 Ans: C

NOTES COMPILED BY :                  NEHA GUPTA (9958010750)

Topic 4 : Socialization Process : Social World and ChildrenFollowing type of questions could be asked in this section

1) In the process of beginning of socializing, which group of the following would a student socialize-with first? A. classmates
B. first teacher
C. Principal of school
D. school peon
Ans:- B
2) According to the Social Development theory, social interaction – 
A. Follows development
B. Precedes development
C. Could follow as well as precede development
D. None of the above
Ans:- B
3) The process of socialization is – 
A. Personal skill
B. Interpersonal skill
C. Intrapersonal skill
D. none of the above
Ans: - B

Topic 4 : Piaget, Kohlberg and Vygotsky: constructs and critical perspectives

Following Type of Questions could be asked in this section
1) Jean Piaget was a leading psychologist of – A. France
B. Britain
C. Sweden
D. Switzerland
Ans: - D
2) The Theory of Moral Development was devised and proposed by A. Binet
B. Vygotsky
C. Piaget
D. Kohlberg
Ans:- D
 3) Soviet Psychologist Lev Simyonowich Vygotsky’s proposed psychology is known as 
A. Cultural-historical
B. Soviet
C.  Russian
D.   Societal
Ans : - A
4) Which psychologist’s theory is based on a story titled ‘Heinz’s Dilemma’?A. Vygotsky 
B. Kohlberg
C.  Piaget
D.   Binet

Ans: - B

5) Central idea of which psychologist’s developmental theory is that children are able to solve certain problems only at certain ages and that these problems can be organized into a developmental sequence that defines discrete stages of cognitive development?
A. Vygotsky 
B. Kohlberg
C.  Piaget
D.   Binet
Ans : - C
6) Three stages namely pre-conventional, conventional and post-conventional are three levels propagated by which psychologist?
A. Vygotsky 
B. Kohlberg
C.  Piaget
D.   Binet
Ans: - B

NOTES COMPILED BY :                  NEHA GUPTA (9958010750)

Topic 6 : Concepts of child-centered and progressive education

Following types of questions can be asked in this section
1) Which of the following would not qualify as a child-centered thought?A. All children have a right to an education that helps them grow and develop to their fullest 
B. Every child is a unique and special individual
C.  Every child must be given full independence to play role in formulating curriculum according to his needs
D.   Children are active participants in their own education and development
Ans :- C
2) One of the first people to define Student-centered education was – 
A. AV Kelly  
B. Senner 
C.  John Dewey
D.   Williamson
Ans: - C
3) Whose thinking is that Rousseau planted the seed of child-centered education while others like Forebel, Montessory and Dewey brought it forward?A. AV Kelly  
B. Senner 
C.  Luther 
D.   Pestalozzi
Ans : - A

NOTES COMPILED BY :                  NEHA GUPTA (9958010750)

Topic 7 : Critical perspective of the construct of Intelligence

1) What is construct in philosophy of science?A. An ideal object

B. A Real object
C. A scientific object
D. A moral object
Ans: - A
2) Which of the following would not be surmise as a factor of intelligence?A. Capacity for knowledge and the ability to acquire it
B. Capacity for reason and abstract thought
C. Adaptability to a new environment or to changes in the current environment
D. Ability to create environment around one
Ans: - D
3) The term IQ comes from which language A. German
B. French
C. Latin
D. Russian
Ans :- A
4) With all round development in all spheres of life, intelligence is A. Remaining Constant
B. Decreasing
C. Increasing
D. None of these
Ans :- C
5) The first large scale mental test in the form of imperial examinations was held in – A. Switzerland
B. China
D. India
Ans :- B
6) Which of the following would generally NOT affect the intelligence of a developing child?
A. Shared Family Environment
B. Environment outside family
C. Age
D. Changes in Demographic variables of a society
Ans :- D

Topic – 8 Multi Dimensional Intelligence

1) People with high multi-dimensional intelligence have
A. Very high level of intelligence    
B. Have very high understanding of discovering   
C. Have deep insights into the nature of reality  
D. Possess extra-natural power and insights
Ans : - C
2) Which of the following could be factor of a  person possessing Multi-Dimensional Intelligence – 
 A. His insights would cross fields of study – like combining science and spirituality
B. He would have very high level of expressing his thoughts and    
C. He would be able to describe very effectively his insights   
D. The scope of his insights would not be very vast
Ans : - A
3) Performance wise a student with multi-dimensional Intelligence would be
A. always a high achieving student
B. a day dreamer     
C. either high achieving student or a daydreamer
D. neither a high achieving nor a daydreamer 
Ans : - C


Topic – 9 Gender as a Social Construct

Following type of questions could be asked in this section
1) Which of the following age group’s would be able to understand gender biases better? A. 3-5 years
B. 2-4 years      
C. 5-8
D. 8-12 
Ans : - D
2) Children start understanding gender issues mainly due to -  A. When they start going to school 
B. When they are impacted by the Socialization process      
C. When they are told different gender based facts in their family
D. Knowledge of gender issues is a natural process 
Ans : - B
3) Which region of India experiencing greater degree of gender biases? A. North India
B. South India      
C. West India
D. East India  
Ans : - A
4) Which of the following aspects of education have not been impacted by gender discriminations? A. Text books
B. Teachers      
C. Parents
D. None of these  
Ans : - D (Means that all the mentioned aspects have been impacted by gender discriminations)
5) Which of the following age group’s would be able to understand gender biases better? A. 3-5 years
B. 2-4 years      
C. 5-8
D. 8-12 
Ans : - D

NOTES COMPILED BY :         NEHA GUPTA (9958010750)

Topic 10 : Individual Differences among Learners

Following type of questions could be asked in this section
1) Primary reason for individual differences between students is -  A. Differences in background of students 
B. Differences in level of motivation, attitudes of students       
C. Differences in the social backgrounds from where students come
D. Differences in economic backgrounds of students  
Ans : - B
2) Individual differences among learners is a -  A. social factor 
B. personal factor      
C. interpersonal factor
D. Purely economic factor  
Ans : - C
3) Individual differences among learners present which basic problem before their teachers or instructors? A. Meeting the diverse learning needs of all their students
B. Achieving high level of academic excellence from students       
C. Implementing a tough course in a class with varying knowledge levels
D. Able to understand the complexities of questions posed by students   
Ans : - A
4) Due to individual differences in students a teacher has to take which step for developing an effective learning itinerary? A. Quicken speed of teaching 
B. Slow down the speed of teaching       
C. Quicken as well as slow down teaching
D. None of these  
Ans : - C
5) Individual differences between children is due to - A. Differences in Language 
B. Differences in Ethnic makeup        
C. Differences in Intelligence Levels 
D. All of these  
Ans : - D

Topic 11 : Distinction between Assessment for learning and assessment of learning

Following type of questions could be asked in this section
1) What is the meaning of Assessment of Learning -  A. testing the knowledge retention when a person is educated in a subject matter 
B. establishing the skills level a person has before they undertake any learning       
C. Testing the knowledge retention level as well as establishing the skills level a person has before they undertake any learning
D. None of the above  
Ans : - A
2) What is the meaning of Assessment for Learning -  A. testing the knowledge retention when a person is educated in a subject matter 
B. establishing the skills level a person has before they undertake any learning       
C. Testing the knowledge retention level as well as establishing the skills level a person has before they undertake any learning
D. None of the above   
Ans : - B

Topic 12 : School-Based Assessment, Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation

Following type of questions could be asked in this section
1) The essential element of the syllabus for the children remained out of school should be—A.  Literacy competencies
B.  Life-skills
C.  Numerical competencies
D.  Vocational competencies   
Ans : - D
2)  A time bound testing programme for a students should be implemented in schools so that—A. The progress of the students should be informed to their parents
B. A regular practice can be carried out
C. The students can be trained for final examinations
D. The remedial programme can be adopted on the basis of the feedback from the results
Ans : - D
3) Which is the most traditional method of school based assessment in India?A. Home work
B. Assignments
C. Tests and Exams
D. Seminars and debates
Ans:- C
4) Which is the best way of assessment for learners according to modern education theory?A. Monthly Tests
B. Yearly Tests
C. Continuous and Comprehensive Assessment
D. Co curricular activities
Ans:- C
5) Continuous and Comprehensive Assessment is a concept which basically tries to achieve – A. A mixture of good academic and extra-academic knowledge
B. Reduction in stress level of students 
C. Development of all aspects of students 
D. Do away with the traditional exam model
Ans:- C
6) Continuous and Comprehensive Assessment system was practically implemented in Indian schools in – A. 1986
B. 2001 
C. 2008 
D. 2010
Ans:- D
7) What is the central theme of School Based Assessment System? A. An assessment system which checks for all development of a child and opposes public exam system
B. A system which opposes the public exam system which brings undue burden on students
C. Severely reprimands the public exam system  
D. A system where various academic examinations are conducted by schools themselves
 Ans:- A


NOTES COMPILED BY :                  NEHA GUPTA (9958010750)